
Our blog features informative and engaging articles on a wide range of topics related to our industry, products, services, and more. We strive to provide valuable insights, tips, and advice to our readers, and we update our blog regularly with new content. 

SplashDev Blog

AI Data Drop: The 11 by 11 Tipping Point

If you’re unfamiliar with the 11-by-11 tipping point, we recommend you read this blog.👇🏼 It describes how 11 became the magic number for unlocking #Copilot value, and we’re sharing it with you! Read on for a quick look at the research behind the formula, and how it unlocks 🔓 the value of AI. DM us when you are ready to take your organization to new heights with AI-based #Copilot for @Microsoft 365. @Microsoft Copilot

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Three Smart Ways to Exceed Your Customers’ Digital Expectations

For the customer-obsessed, here’s an eBook showing three ways your leaders and teams, powered by Azure AI tools and services, can help your customers ✅ Make the right financial decisions ✅ Provide them with accurate and relevant information ✅ Guide them through the decision-making process ✅ Address their concerns or questions. DM us today. Start turning your customer service into a revenue-generating obsession with Azure from Microsoft.

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Copilot for Microsoft 365: Work On

Copilot is rocking the workaday world. Take a quick look at the many ways Copilot for Microsoft 365 empowers you to work on – faster, smarter, and better. Ready to get down with #Copilot? DM us. @Microsoft Copilot

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Finance in the fast lane

If you’re still undecided about shifting your operations to the Microsoft Azure Cloud, then check out this story about how @Microsoft Azure API Management future-proofed one of the top asset managers in Malaysia. DM us when you are ready to get off the fence, and get your company into the Cloud.

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Will AI Fix Work?

Do you feel like the harder you work the more behind you get? Check out this executive summary for insights on how #AI is leading to greater productivity and efficiency. Will AI Fix Work? 🤷 It’s certainly changing the way we approach it.

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